What is exactly Search engine optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be Described as strategies and tactics used to Ensure That a site is accessible to a search engine and Improves the chances That the site will be found by the search engine.
The goal of successful SEO is to Obtain a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (eg Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines). Internet users often do not click through pages and pages of search results, so where a site ranks in a search is essential for directing more traffic Toward the site.

The higher a website ranks naturally in organic results of a search, the Greater the chance That That site will be visited by a user.
Typically SEO is a set of "white hat" best practices That webmasters and web content producers to help them follow Achieve a better ranking in search engine results. Some of These best practices include:
- Creating and publishing excellent content.
- Using keywords and keyword analysis.
- Link to Improve link popularity building.
- Using social media links on sites: such as Facebook and Twitter.
- Improving your site's navigation To provide an excellent user experience.



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