Adding a Meta Description to Blogger

An important part of a good SEO is The Implementation of meta tags, que Commonly are located in the header of our website, That are being, in the same time invisible to users visiting the site. Well, to be more succinct, These tags have only one purpose: to include information about the page: such as author name, date, key word, description, title, Among Others.

However, here we will mention only one, Which is the meta description in Blogger. This description will it appears as a fragment in the search results and as a description When sharing on Google+, Facebook and other social networks. A clear description and specify Increases the chances of getting more clicks or visits.As we will work only on the Blogger platform, I will leave here a little guide to Easily add a meta description.

Meta Description in Blogger

The first thing we will do is going to our Blogger dashboard and from there, go to Settings> Search preferences> Meta Tags> Description and click on Edit.
Then check the box "Yes" to enable search description. Finally, click the "Save Changes" button.

Adding Meta Description To Single Posts

Now we will focus on adding the meta description to single pages. Simply edit the page or post, look for the Search Description setting, and there we enter the text and save by clicking the Done button.
And that's it. However it is best to test if it works and we will do so MetaChecker With the online tool, where we only Have to enter the url of a post or page, click Analyze and then it will show the results, including a complete analysis of keywords , on-page seo, meta tags, URLs, current server status and a rating bar That goes from Horror to Excellent.

If none of the meta descriptions Appear (rarely fails), we can do the process manually, but it requires us to touch a bit of code. In this case, go to Template> Edit HTML and insert before <b:skin> <[CDATA [the Following code!:

(<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != ""'>    <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/> </ b: if>)

Of course, we will again use the tool with previously Mentioned to Ensure That the description is Placed Correctly and if all goes well, our blog would be ready to face a good SEO.



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