Add Facebook Page Promotor Button To Your Bloog In Ligh Box

Right from your blog to your Facebook page to make the consumer looking for a quick and concise way ? Here you go ! Today , I 'll teach you how a new user visits your blog will appear only when you pop up on the blog , a Facebook Like Box to include . This user right from your blog to your Facebook page will allow you to like .

It already own your blog like a new Facebook page that a user would like the button to show people who have just a simple pop -up box . It really increases your likes .

It's not just old people will appear for new users . It 'll make cookies in the user's browser opened for the first time when in fact , what happens . A cookie will check if the page loads it will display a pop-up but it will show if there is any cookie . How it works .
facebook page-promotor

Add Facebook Page Promotor Light Box For Your Blogger

. First of all login to your blogger account  and click on >> Layout 

.   Then click on add gadget and select the HTML / JavaScript content box and paste the code gevin below  

<style>#colorbox, #cboxOverlay, #cboxWrapper{position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:9999; overflow:hidden;z-index: 99999;}#colorbox{padding-bottom: 0px; padding-right: 0px; display: block; width: 447px !important; height: 272px !important; top: 200px !important; left: 300px !important; position: fixed; z-index: 99999;}#cboxMiddleLeft{float: left;height: 299px !important;}#cboxWrapper{height: 270px !important;width: 450px !important;top: 5px;position: relative;}#cboxOverlay{position:fixed; width:100%; height:100%;}#cboxContent{float: left;width: 450px !important;height: 255px !important;}#cboxClose{cursor: pointer; float: right; background-image: url(; height: 30px; width: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 31px; position: fixed; margin-top: 5px; margin-right: 30px; text-indent: 100%; background-repeat: space; display: block; margin-left: 380px;}.cboxIframe{width:100%; height:100%; display:block; border:0;}#cboxOverlay{background:#000;opacity:0.5 !important;pointer-events: none;}#cboxLoadedContent{width: 450px !important;height: 285px !important;position: fixed;}#cboxTitle{position:absolute; bottom:-25px; left:0; text-align:center; width:100%; font-weight:bold; color:#7C7C7C;}#cboxCurrent{position:absolute; bottom:-25px; left:58px; font-weight:bold; color:#7C7C7C;}#subscribe{padding: 10px;height: 233px;width: 375px;margin-top: 20px;background-color: white;}</style><script src=''></script><script src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">jQuery(document).ready(function(){   if (document.cookie.indexOf('visited=true') == -1) {       var fifteenDays = 1000*60*60*24*30;       var expires = new Date((new Date()).valueOf() + fifteenDays);       document.cookie = "visited=true;expires=" + expires.toUTCString();       $.colorbox({width:"450px", inline:true, href:"#subscribe"});       }});</script><div style='display:none'><div id='subscribe'><center><iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="// out loudly)&amp;width=400&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;border_color=%23ffffff&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;height=255" style="height: 260px;overflow: hidden;width: 396px;margin-left: -10px;margin-top: -11px;"></iframe></center></div>

. Rplace LOL(laugh out loudly) with your facebook page username
You'll see a few numbers being multiplied by each other, these are total milliseconds after which the cookie will expire.There is *30 written, it represents days. You can change it as you wish. For example, if you want the popup to come every year then change the *30 to 365.The *24 represents hours, *60 represents minutes and the other *60 represents seconds.You can change any of these values. If you want to show again and again to your blog visiters then remove these numbers.


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