How To Disable Copying Text From Your Blog

we are write article with hard efforts and thieves very easily get copy of our articles.
Exclusive content is usually under the eyes of thieves, who steal these posts and articles without permission or even the source said, so I've written this post to stop this process. if anyone will doing copy of your article did not get the adsense approval
1) Go to your blogger dashboard click on template and then click on edit html

2) Plz download a copy of your template
3) Use Ctrl+F and find <head> and paste the following codes after it <head>

<!--- Disable Copy and Paste--><script language='JavaScript1.2'>function disableselect(e){return false}function reEnable(){return true}document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;)if (window.sidebar){document.onmousedown=disableselectdocument.onclick=reEnable}

4) Finally click on save template and setting have been added


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